Friday 8 July 2011

Software I can use

 iMovie- iMovie is a very simple yet effective peice of software that comes with any apple mac computer. I can edit films with ease on iMovie and have made a few films in college with it, one of which you will see posted on this blog. 

\Dreamweaver- I have Dreamweaver at home which I find really easy to use. Dreamweaver is a website building software which you have to purchase seperately on your computer. It is very expensive but I managed to get a discount on it and it is in my opinion worth every penny in terms of developing websites. 

Fireworks- Fireworks is an image editing software which I find really easy to use. Infact, I created the banner for this page using Macromedia Fireworks. It also comes with Dreamweaver and these other Macromedia products too. 

Photoshop- Photoshop is another image editing software which is more proffesional than Fireworks, being proffesional editing software it is quite complicate to use which makes it difficult, but once you get to grips with it it is really easy. 

Cubase- Cubase is a peice of music editing software which me and my friend use to create songs for a good laugh. We have made alot of songs but most of these arn't really to gain success or anything it is just for fun.

Contribute- Contribute is another website editing website which I use from time to time. I used to use it alot but now I'm more into making music on my four track instead of making websites but I've always been very creative no matter what I do.

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